Description of the project

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About Us

ACES is a three-year research and innovation project funded under the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, Programme HORIZON-CL4-2022-DATA-01, project ID: 101093126. It is promoted by a consortium of 11 organisations, small and medium businesses, research and technology institutions, academia and industry, who are leaders in computer engineering, smart manufacturing, public policy, technological development, innovation management, business information system security and public administrations clusters.

Context and issues

Value Proposition

ACES undertakes research and technological innovation to respond to the increasing need of edge-cloud computing and data management and the demand of edge services. ACES edge-cloud data and application services have the potential to enable a new infrastructure model, capable of guaranteeing end-to-end transaction resilience.

The ACES solution provides autonomy and self-regulating mechanisms that provide systems stability, locally and edge-wide.
The requirements include the need for a horizontal flow of data and applications between sites as well as tackling issues of bandwidth, energy efficiency, security, and privacy.

Furthermore, the autonomous operations on the platform need to be clearly explainable to operators, application developers and end-users and low-overhead is required in terms of costs, latency, energy, labour.

Value Proposition
Value Proposition

The solution offered by ACES

Value Proposition

ACES will provide an edge-services cloud with hierarchical intelligence, specifically autopoiesis and cognitive behaviours to manage and automate the platform.

These solutions include: Autopoiesis-based edge-services cloud; awareness tools, AI/ML agents for workload placement, service and resource management, data and policy management, telemetry and monitoring; Autopoiesis agents to safeguard stability in situations of extreme load and complexity; Swarm technology-based methodology and implementation for orchestration of resources; Edge-wide workload placement and optimization; App store for classification, storage, sharing and rating of AI models used in ACES.

Key Outcomes

Autopoietic edge-cloud data and application service platform
Management agents and tools for awareness; AI and M-L enabled tools to handle workload, service and resource management, data and policy management, telemetry and monitoring
Autopoietic agents for service and throughput stability in challenging service scenarios in terms of workload placement, service and resource management, data and policy handling

Swarm technology-based solutions for orchestration of resources in the edge

Edge-wide workload placement and optimization service

App store for ACES AI models classification,
storage, sharing and rating


The aim of ACES is to develops a distributed, opportunistic, collaborative, heterogeneous, self-managed, self organizing edge services environment, primarily edge-to-edge and secondly on the edge-to-cloud continuum.

The expected impacts of this implementation are:

  • Improved placement of Europe in the delivery of secured edge-cloud service platforms in the global scenario
  • A reinforced capability of Europe to have available technical, computational and data transmission means to manage urgent societal challenges
  • Availability of more effective technologies and tools to manage distributed cloud systems at the edge

More specific impacts of ACES concern:

  • the energy sector, facilitating the transition towards a system capable of optimising the relationship between supply and demand and the integration of sustainable energy sources
  • the more general impact on the European Green Deal, driving the concept of smart infrastructure and decentralised energy production
  • impact on sustainable development goals

Become one of ACES stakeholders

ACES-EDGE wants to reach out to interested stakeholders to keep them updated on the articulate developments of this challenging research and innovation action.

If you are a highly specialised technology expert, a specialised user interested in how the ACES solution meets the functional requirements of the general public, or you are interested in innovative information technology solutions and their impact on everyday life, JOIN IN!

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